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November 06, 2009
Health Care Vote To Be Delayed?
Didn't Nancy tell us several times that of course she had the votes for health care? Well, maybe not so fast. Tomorrow's scheduled vote might slip to Sunday or later.
A House leader says Democrats haven't yet lined up enough votes to pass their health care overhaul bill.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland says the vote that House Democrats had scheduled for Saturday could slip to Sunday or early next week.
Hoyer acknowledged to reporters Friday that Democratic leaders don't yet have the 218 votes needed to pass President Barack Obama's historic health overhaul initiative.
Obama was supposed to go up to the Hill today to lobby for the bill but has put that off until at least tomorrow.
Thanks to @gabrielmalor.
Incidentally, if you can't get enough of us moron posters here, you can follow us on Twitter: @aceofspadeshq @slublog @DaveinTexas and myself @drewmtips.
There are also a bunch of moron commenters around on Twitter as well.
UPDATE (Jack M.): I would get on twitter, but the limited number of letters plays hell with my Suzanne Sena inspired epic poems. Are there such a thing as epic tweets? Hmmmmm.....As for LauraW's absence in the above list, well everyone knows that humpbacks can't type! Or read. Or engage in quasi-social activity of any kind, really. So she has that going for her, which is nice.
MORE [DrewM.] Laura is on Twitter @laurww. Follow her before she follows you!

posted by DrewM. at
12:47 PM
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