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November 03, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Welcome all morons and moronettes. I guess the ONT will be your playground tonight as we wait for the final election results to come in.
Oh and just a reminder: Tomorrow is FLAMEWAR Night!
So be prepared to bring teh hatred and spite which has been building up these many months.
Morons, Want a Happy Marriage? Then Marry a Younger, Smarter Woman With Curves.
Hey - it's science.
Tech Support Tuesday
How to Read Long ONT Threads on your iphone:
1. Add a bookmark called say 'Refresh' to the Bookmarks Bar and in the url field put this:
2. Then once you've gotten to the end of the ONT, just select this bookmark and it should reload the page and leave you scrolled to where you were before.
The French Discover the Tragedy of the Commons
And are bummed. Fraternité ain't what it used to be.
For the Seattle Morons: Goat Rentals
Yep you can rent goats from Rent-a-Ruminant.
Also: University of Washington Students Form Armed Vigilante Group
So don't just listen to the scanner - get out there and become the night.
Get Your Hobo Hunting Camouflage Here
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Greatest Art Movie Ever?
Awesomely funny review of this mess of a movie.
Tonight's post brought to you by Hedy Lamarr:

On August 11, 1942 she and George Antheil were granted U.S. Patent 2,292,387 for a spread-spectrum secret communication system. This idea was the basis for WiFi and CDMA cell phone systems.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:15 PM
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