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November 02, 2009
Washington Post Editor Punches a Reporter
Over the reporter's advice not to be such a "c---sucker." Not sure what the missing letters are. "Codsucker"? Not enough letters. Maybe in England it's spelled "codd" or something.
Multiple Post sources independently confirmed to POLITICO that Roig-Franzia got hit while defending colleague Monica Hesse from harsh criticism leveled by her editor, Allen.
Allen, according to the Washingtonian, had told Hesse that a piece she had written was “the second worst story I have seen in Style in 43 years."
Roig-Franzia, also working a story with Hesse that ran Saturday, told Allen not to be such a “c—sucker."
Allen swung twice, with one punch hitting Roig-Franzi, according to sources. Next, staffers on the 4th floor —including Brauchli, whose office is temporarily across from the Style section — jumped in to break up the altercation.
Allen, by the way, is 70, but a former Marine.
The Washington Post says it will not comment on "private personal matters," though it did note that the paper finds the term "cocksucker" offensive and insulting, preferring the softer, more sensitive term "sucker of cock."
That's a really old joke of mine but 1, I haven't used it in forever, and 2, it's new to somebody.
Thanks to curious.