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October 31, 2009
Priorities: Obama Administration Ensures That Young Children And Pregnant Women Gitmo Detainees Have Access To H1N1 Vaccine
To govern is to make choices and under the administration of Barack Obama, the choice is in favor of detained terrorists over the Americans those terrorists would like to kill.
Are the people who make this kind of decision the ones you making health care decisions for hundreds of millions of Americans?
Congressmen Mike Pence (R-IN) and Bart Stupack (D-MI) aren't amused.
"As long as Americans must wait to receive the vaccine, the detainees in Guantanamo Bay should not be given preferential treatment to receive the H1N1 vaccination," Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) wrote in a letter to Secretary of the Army John McHugh on Friday.
Pence, too, shared Stupak's concerns, but he also used his interview Friday to take a shot at Democrats -- and their handling of other healthcare crises -- in particular.
"I think this is exactly the kind of misadministration of healthcare, this and other aspects of the way this government is responding to the H1N1 virus, that ought to give the American people great pause about this massive government-run insurance plan that's been unveiled this week by House Democrats," Pence said.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this get mention two or three thousand times in the upcoming debate in the House and Senate. It should make for a wonderful TV commercial as well.
Fortunately for the Gitmo detainees they are protected from doctors who can only look longingly at their tonsils and feet. If not for the armed guards you just know those greedy MDs would be hacking away at them for the money and the fun of it.

posted by DrewM. at
04:22 PM
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