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Obama: Please Ignore Me, I Hate the Attention »
October 29, 2009
The Politics of Hate
Yesterday the President signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was hooked onto the Defense appropriation to ensure its passage.
The new hate crimes law creates yet another specially protected group under federal law. It demonstrates Democrats' disdain for the principle of equal treatment under the law. Like other hate crimes laws it criminalizes having the wrong thoughts rather than wrong conduct. It may subject individuals to double jeopardy. And it is entirely superfluous, as ColoradoPatriot writes:
I, too, am disgusted by the crimes against Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. I am glad that those who perpetrated these villainous acts against Shepard are currently each serving two consecutive life sentences. They will never again see the light of day. Meanwhile, two of the three murderers of Byrd are awaiting their executions while the third is currently serving life in prison.
What must be realized, however, is that the fates of these five men are symbols of how the justice system in America worked without the need for a hate crimes act.
Democrats revel in the game of dividing Americans into groups and doling out special treats for the ones that behave. It's not something to celebrate. It's a disgrace.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:42 AM
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