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October 27, 2009
Week 7 NFL Moron Pick Results
It's the only AoS approved plan you can actually opt out of.
buzzion 67
moflicky 64
Dave R 64
Monkey Sleeping 63
People's Republic of Baltimore 63
Carthago Delenda Est 62
Jay in Ames 62
Svenster61 62 (make up your mind Sven)
Red State NY 61
Francisthegeek 61
paranoidpolly 61
Dave G 61
The Tard's Ninja 61
Wunder Kraut 61
Doctor Swoop 61
NJ Conservative 61
I'm not racist I'm just joshin... 61
sammy316 61
Aewl 61
Truman the Greek 61
Jeans Jokes 61
Ben provided results again, God bless im. Stand up there Ben, I mean stand up everybody. He's not on the leaderboard so you know he ain't cheatin. Yet.
In other unrelated news, teh Fred isn't terribly impressed with Newt Gingrich's admonitions on "purges".
Hey Newt. America called. They want their contract back.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:12 PM
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