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October 26, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Good evening all. We're now at Day 92 in the great White House Shunning of Fox news. So it looks like they're serious about boycotting the network for the rest of the year. And even Columbia J-school students have gotten the White House's message that Fox is not a legitimate network.
The Top 10 Most Unfunny Comedians of All Time
Carrot Top used to be kind of amusing but now is a steroidy, plastic surgical mess. And I never though Louie Anderson was that funny yet he's been successful for decades.
And how could they leave off the unfunniest woman comedian ever, Margaret Cho?!? Maybe she's no longer legally considered a comedian now that she's 20% tattoos and doing burlesque. [Warning - these links show exactly what they describe]
Another Blast From The Past: Tricorner Hat Girl!
Unfortunately the Purdue chapter of the Conservative Coalition for American Values seems to have been quiet for a while so no update on THG.
Mad Max Re-make Starts Filming
Max: "The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel. It'd take you ten minutes to hack through it with this. Now, if you're lucky, you could hack through your ankle in five minutes. Go."
What Religion Should You Follow: A Flowchart
And yes bacon is a critical decision factor.
Dublin Baggage Screeners Discover a Surprise in a Bulgarian Man's Bag
Tonight's post brought to you by the best detention ever:

posted by xgenghisx at
10:10 PM
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