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October 26, 2009
After Hemming and Hawing for a Week Pawlenty Finally Endorses Hoffman
Excellent. A likely 2012 candidate who had to stop and see which way the wind is blowing.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota is now adding to the momentum becoming the first sitting Republican Governor to endorse Hoffman. This comes on the heels of Sarah Palin’s endorsement from last week.
What makes this stand out even more than the Palin endorsement is that Pawlenty has not been seen as diverging with the Republican establishment. He’s not seen as the maverick that Palin is.
But Pawlenty has a huge amount of stature inside the Republican establishment, more so than Palin. That he is now willing to come out in favor of Hoffman is going to resonate among the Republican establishment in ways Palin’s endorsement will not.
How's that for reversal? Indeed, T-Paw almost certainly got the green light to do something so "mavericky" as supporting an actual conservative for a conservative district.
Be sure to click over to RedState for fawning coverage of Pawlenty finally getting around to doing the right thing.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:13 PM
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