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October 26, 2009
FoxNews Isn't Really a News Organization; Meanwhile, a Florida Reporter Speaks Truthiness to Power
In response to a run-of-the-mill email press release from Connie Mack, a reporter for the Key West Citizen (which appears to be a "real," if small, newspaper) responded thus:
“The Republican Party is now a mentally ill group of people who want nothing more than to destroy Obama’s first term no matter how much the country needs his policies. I despise your party’s activities and the hatred you spew on Fox and other sounding boards for the insurance companies. Please don’t you dare get him killed, which is the underlying goal of you right wing nuts.”
Ed Driscoll rounds up some other interesting comments made by our Neutral and Objective media.
And related: Students at Columbia's J-School mock FoxNews in a parody rap.
"But there's no need to hear crazy, Or create false sense of parity, Like Fox News and Hannity."
But you know -- it's not like these people "have a viewpoint" or anything, as Axelrod or Emmanuel (I think) said of FoxNews.
The problem isn't that some J-school students think they know this -- it's that all J-schools think they "know" these things about Fox, and think everybody whose opinion matters knows these things.
They are a hotbed of socially-enforced groupthink and yet parade around as fair-minded objective truth-seekers, and call liar on anyone who doesn't "know" what they "know."