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More On Scozzoflava: Local GOP Chair Says She Can't Win; Another GOP Chair Says the Claims She Made About McCormack Aren't True
Bonus: Kos Endorses Her, Stating She'd Be Even Further to the Left of the Democrat Running »
October 21, 2009
Scozzfava Campaign Retracts Lie About Weekly Standard Reporter UPDATE: Scozzfava Is VERY Woried About Hoffman
The liberal Democrat running as a Republican in a House special election from NY's 23 Congressional District has retracted her spokesperson slander against John McCormick of the Weekly Standard. The campaign had claimed that the reporter "screamed questions" at her. Apparently this so terrified the delicate flowers that the cops were called.
Except, there was tape recording running and it was all made up?
In the audio recording of the reporter's questioning played for The Associated Press by McCormack, the reporter didn't raise his voice, but repeated his unanswered questions several times, including one about abortion.
"I never screamed, I never yelled, I never shouted," he said. "My voice was only loud enough so she could hear my questions."
In a statement released Tuesday to the blog Politico, Scozzafava's campaign said the reporter "repeatedly screamed questions (in-your-face-style)," but later issued a statement deleting the accusation.
So why did Scozzfava and her people call the cops? Are Republicans now on board with the idea that asking questions of candidates is a criminal offense?
The Conservative candidate for the seat, Doug Hoffman, is gaining while fades. Here's his website, with donation information.
As Mark Steyn puts it, Enough.
UPDATE: How worried is the liberal Scozzfava about Hoffman? Very.
Dede Scozzafava, the Republican candidate in the hot 23rd Congressional District race, picked an unusual spot for a news conference this morning -- the sidewalk in front of the Watertown headquarters of her Conservative opponent, Doug Hoffman.
“Doug Hoffman and (Democrat) Bill Owens continue to dodge, duck and bob and weave and don’t want to talk about the issues in debate, so we think it’s a great backdrop to stop over and ask what the holdup is in agreeing to debates,” said Matt Burns, speaking for the Scozzafava campaign.
Showing up on the doorstep of a 3rd party candidate to challenge them to a debate? That screams of panic. Usually major party candidates ignore the minor party people to marginalize them or they elevate them in the hopes that they will take votes from the other major candidate.
No one really thinks Hoffman is taking votes from the named Democrat. The fact that Scozzafava wants to go toe to toe with Hoffman means they are scared. Good.
Oh by the way, they are lying about Hoffman this time.
“Dede Scozzafava is either extremely cynical or has a very short memory. On August 19, 2009 the Hoffman campaign challenged Dede Scozzafava to a series of 3-5 debates across the district. We asked the Republican County Chairs to sponsor them. The Hoffman campaign even offered to pick-up the rental costs of the venues. Both Scozzafava and the GOP County Chairs refused.
“Dede Scozzafava is desperate; she flip-flops on issue after issue, she calls the police on reporters, and now she claims she hasn’t had an opportunity debate. It’s sad, Dede Scozzafava, staff needs to tell her that she’s the spoiler in this race and that for the good of the Republican Party and her own reputation she should drop out of the race now.”
Did I mention you can donate to Hoffman here

posted by DrewM. at
11:11 AM
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