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October 20, 2009
Ten for Ten: Rasmussen's New Numbers Show Republicans Ahead on All Ten "Trust More" Issues
Some big shifts here in the GOP's favor.
CNN has a poll out (no link yet; email sent to me by CNN). It finds Obama's approval rate at 55%. Um, whatever.
It also finds that on the issues that matter most to voters (they decide themselves what they are), 48% feel that Obama agrees with them. While 51% feel Obama disagrees with them.
Again, on the issues that matter most to them, personally.
And yet his approval is at 55%. Go figure.
For the sake of comparison: In April, CNN's poll found Obama's support at 63%. 57% of voters then said Obama agreed with them on the issues that matter most to them.
So, he seems to consistently get a 6-7% goose in job approval above the agree on the issues number, which I can only guess must be from his awesome level of competence and ability to successfully turn this recession around.
Harris Poll: It was reported over the weekend the Harris Interactive poll put Obama at 45%.
They're now releasing his approval on the top twelve issues -- not a single one where he commands majority approval.