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October 19, 2009
Gates reminds Emanuel/Obama he is Sec Def
About freakin' time, although I can understand him trying to do the right thing and let the CinC make a decision. The problem is Obama sent both his pro back-stabbers, Emmanuel and Axelrod out to try and screw the military on Sunday. Now the last pro has lined up in favor of strategy over politics.
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY JET – The Obama administration needs to decide on a war strategy for Afghanistan without waiting for a government there to be widely accepted as legitimate, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday.
Gates' comments put him at odds with top White House
and NATO officials who are balking at ordering more troops and other
resources to Afghanistan until the disputed election crisis there is
Obama's political hacks are starting to assert themselves in areas of military strategy. This Sunday was a blatant attempt to blow smoke and try to pretend the election corruption was a game changer. Hardly, it was par for the course. What is changing is the President's commitment to the promises he made on the campaign and up through August when health care began to crash and burn.
Obama owes the troops that he has sent to war an answer. Do you support our national security or your political aspirations?

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
10:35 PM
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