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October 14, 2009
Russia...Would You Like To Play A Game? How About Global Thermonuclear War?
I hope that big red reset/overcharge button wasn't connected to anything.
In an interview published today in Izvestia, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Kremlin’s security council, said the new doctrine offers “different options to allow the use of nuclear weapons, depending on a certain situation and intentions of a would-be enemy. In critical national security situations, one should also not exclude a preventive nuclear strike against the aggressor.”
What’s more, Patrushev said, Russia is revising the rules for the employment of nukes to repel conventionally armed attackers, “not only in large-scale, but also in a regional and even a local war.”
Funny but I don't remember the Bush/Cheney Evil Twins threatening to preemptively nuke someone. Yet they were the dangers to the world and the Russians are the ones we need to reengage with in a kinder and gentler way.
So, we throw eastern Europe under the bus by scrapping missile defense and we get no help on Iran. We practically beg for a new nuclear arms reduction treaty and we get this kind of rhetoric out of the Soviets, er, Russians (sorry, don't know how I could have made that mistake).
It's almost as if the weaker we appear, the more belligerent the Soviets, damn, the Russians become.
This won't get much play in the US because no one really thinks the Russians are going to nuke anyone, especially us, but you can be the Poles, Ukrainians and Georgians are taking this very seriously.
Once again, it's getting to be down right dangerous to be a friend of the US.
Update: Maybe this will get US play. Drudge has another version of this story as his headline. He also has a story of Putin pretty much ruling out sanctions against Iran.
Hillary's trip to Russia really paid dividends, didn't it? Smart Power baby!
*I changed the headline because, well, because 80's movie references are always more fun than a regular headline.

posted by DrewM. at
11:38 AM
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