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October 12, 2009
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Welcome to Monday all. Or as I refer to it, Day 78 in the great White House Shunning of Fox News. Robert Gibbs was the last administration official to appear on Fox and that was on July 26th. Maybe we should start tying yellow ribbons on the old oak tree.
Oh and congrats to our own US Citizen for winning Iowahawk's Endowment For The Arts contest. Spend that $33.18 wisely!
Attack of the Eel
How four brave Houston fisherman defeated a prehistoric monster using only their wits along with a beer cooler lid, steel gaff, the rest of the cooler, and a fire extinguisher. And yes, beer was involved. When they make the movie, the tagline will be: "Never be afraid to cut the line."
(Thanks to Jim Wilson via genghis)
Introducing the Craz-E Burger
It's a hamburger topped with cheese, bacon and wrapped in a Krispy Kreme bun. I'm a little conflicted about this - I love all the ingredients, but I'm not sure the whole ensemble works that well. I'm kinda old school when it come to vices, so I prefer to enjoy my donuts separate from my meat products. But that's just me - your tastes may differ.
How To Make Bacon Soap
Okay a few nights ago one of the morons pointed out that in an apocalypse-type situation, one of things people would start missing sooner than they expect is soap. Well here you go - steps for making soap out of leftover bacon grease.
US Working On Biggest Bomb Evah: The MOP!
The new MOP is 33,000 lbs of explosive goodness and is designed to penetrate and destroy deep bunkers up to 200ft underground. It fills a gap between our current 'bunker-buster' (the GBU-28 at 'only' 5,000 lbs) and tactical nukes. A B-2 stealth bomber will be able to carry two of these babies. Unfortunately the program is running behind schedule so we don't know when it will be available. Rumors have it though that the Israelis will be the first to test it.
Tonight's post brought to you by Maximus:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:10 PM
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