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October 11, 2009
Liberal Fawning for World Acceptance [dri]
AJ Strata over at the always informative strata-sphere.com sums up just how pathetic the Left's endless groveling for European acceptance truly is.
America has a unique history in the world. It is made up of people who fled tyranny and oppression from cruel, bored and (let’s face it) not so bright elites. The past time of the ‘not so bright’ elite is to pretend to be omnipotent and experiment with humanity into becoming better. Or at least their warped cruel, bored and no so bright version of ‘better’. It is this addiction to tell others what and how to do things that forced the best, brightest and bravest to carve out a new nation in America. We are the anti-elitist nation that broke the hold of elitist on humanity.
It is our independence of the individual that irks the world – especially the Europeans. I have worked with them on many occasions and over many years, and they cannot stand our informal, classless work environment. They still cling to the skirts of the elite leadership concept, running in awe of famous, names, ivy league schools, years spent floating to the top of the pile. They fear decisions, the fear competition, the fear having to act beyond the words. They fear someone standing up and challenging their safe dogma. They cannot abide ingenuity and spirit and drive.
This could be the time when it becomes obvious Obama is not here for the voters who elected him, he is here to change America because he is a liberal who is fawning for world acceptance. He is here for the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and the EU elites. That is why they gave him the prize for nothing, that is why our naive young president accepted the price for nothing. That is why the prize is all about nothing...
Read the whole piece here.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:24 PM
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