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October 09, 2009
Obama's Other Recent Victories
We should have more, as Slublog's really inspired. He did these in like ten minutes.

(See credits as post's end. Most are Slu's, others are readers'.)

Bonus: Time attempts to make up for its A- for Effort grade of yesterday by noting the Top Ten Moments of Obama Overkill. They dub the Nobel Prize the Nobel Prize for Effort.
RNC Funny: The RNC wonders what else Obama should win, and suggests these options:
option 1:1. Heisman Trophy
option 2:2. Hollywood Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award
option 3:3. Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius Award
option 4:4. America’s Next Top Model
option 5:5. Humility In Action Award From Arianna Huffington
Vending Machine courtesy of PaulB. Heisman-Pose Obama by Uncle Jefe. Survivor: Pokeestan by JerryF.
All others by Slublog.