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October 06, 2009
Old Dirty Bastards: Polanski Denied Bail, 'Cuz Maybe He's a Flight Risk or Somethin'; Letterman Continues Milking Apologies for Ratings, This Time Re-Apologizing to... Sarah Palin?
The Swiss have concluded for some crazy reason that Roman Polanski might just skip out on bail if they grant it to him.
Bonus: He might then be in this jail cell for a month or more awaiting US extradition, and then facing jail time here.
Regarding the other fossilized satyr: Having now issued two apologies and getting a standing ovation for showing such courage on television, former comic turned reality TV show star David Letterman decides he can really ride this ratings pony into next month's sweeps.
Mention Sarah Palin again, apologizing to her? Sure, why not. Can't get a 8 share if you're only talking to liberals. Gotta rope those Palin fans in to.