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United States Of AMERIKA!!!111!!! UPDATE: Cops In Camo? UPDATE x2 And Bumped: They Are Cops »
September 25, 2009
UPDATED: No Surprise: Obama & Zombie Swimmer get their way. [krakatoa]
Mass. Judge rules in favor of Governor Patrick's assertion that Kennedy vacancy an "emergency", requiring immediate filling.
UPDATE, and bumped (for gratuitous Troll bashing if you like, although most the wounds appear to be self-inflicted.): It's Official. Kirk deputized by "The Sheriff".
Obama once again has his filibuster-proof Senate majority.
It is important to not feel defeated by this ruling, by Obama's interference in State's issues by intervening on this, or by the Democrat's raw end-run of their own legislation.
This is exactly who they are, and why they ultimately must always fail. Our modern neo-Liberal is nothing like the Liberals our Fathers knew and respected.
Instead, they are the warmed-over, rebranded and reorganized rejects from the fringe-left movements our Fathers rejected.
They must exceed the limits we, the people, have placed on them in order to aggregate their power to achieve their extreme goals. And they never feel the least bit burdened by the limits the place upon themselves.
Everything, every action, is but a means to an end for the modern neo-Liberal politician. (And please, don't mistake, the same is true for many Republican politicians.)
The Left hasn't just let the mask slip on their power-by-any-means, at-any-cost tendencies. The campaigns for 2010 are already shaping up, and the Left has expended all their political ammunition and good will forcing unprecedented Big Government expansionism down the electorate's throats.
So don't feel bad. Just add this incident to the long list of Democrat political thuggery when speaking with the politically ignorant Independents and JFK liberals in your lives.
And most critically - Stay involved. Make sure you support candidates from the Right that agree with and will pursue the agendas you hold dear.
Choosing the richest, best-connected candidates is easiest, but rarely produces a CongressCritter willing to actually go to the mat for the principles on which it ran.

posted by xgenghisx at
02:58 PM
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