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September 24, 2009
Ralph Peters- McChrystal morally oblivious
Ralph has all the self control of a 12 year old. Always willing to play the outrageously outraged card over any form of reasoned discourse, he gives hyperbolic rhetoric a bad name. What a buffoon.
In Afghanistan, our leaders are complicit in the death of each
soldier, Marine or Navy corpsman who falls because politically correct
rules of engagement shield our enemies.
Mission-focused, but
morally oblivious, Gen. Stan McChrystal conformed to the Obama Way of
War by imposing rules of engagement that could have been concocted by
Code Pink:
* Unless our troops in combat are absolutely certain that no civilians are present, they're denied artillery or air support.
* If any civilians appear where we meet the Taliban, our troops are to "break contact" -- to retreat.
McChrystal is morally oblivious, really? What an insulting and obviously wrong thing to say. He is a well-respected and honorable man, and for a bomb-throwing jackass like Peters to call him morally oblivious is shameful. Hell in a better world McChrystal would call him out and shoot the bastard in a duel.
You can disagree about whether the new ROE will achieve the desired effect but to impugn the morals of a good man by saying he doesn't care for the lives of his troops is low. But Peters inhabits the gutter and I guess it is probably foolish of me to expect anything other than douchebaggery from him.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
11:07 AM
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