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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
September 23, 2009
Ray LaHood, Secretary of Shut the Hell Up
Talk-radio has eroded civility and impedes the nation's ability to solve beeg problems.
"He can't even compete with all this stuff that people are saying about him, so the idea that he did five interviews on Sunday, that's just minuscule compared to the kind of trash talk that goes on all week prior to that," LaHood said.
A moderate Republican, known for his ability to bore you to death while managing a multi-billion dollar useless federal agency, his mission today was to explain to you why you're an idiot for listening to the coarsening of America via talk shows which required Obama to bully-pulpit you to death on five Sunday morning shows.
Don't you wish Ray was in charge of potholes and fixing bridges?
I know I do.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:21 PM
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