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September 20, 2009
Open Secrets: Tally of Political Donations Made by Pro Football Teams' Owners, Players, by Party
Well. Yet another reason to hate the Eagles, and, if you have that bent (and I know most of you do) the Patriots.
On the other hand, the Cowboys win some goodwill... but not bloody enough.
I'll take your bet, Dave. Even if the Giants are a bunch of commies. Whoops: Got the columns backwards. The Giants are 72% non-commie. Considering where they play (the most corrupt Democratically-controlled state outside Rhode Island) they're positively arch-conservative to only toss the Dems 28% of donations.
Incidentally, no one cares about this basket-case organization, but Al Davis is as good a political theorist as he is an owner.
Thanks to JE.