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September 19, 2009
Which Answer Scares You More?
The Obama Administration announced the cancelation of our anti-missile program in Poland & the Czech Republic on the 70th Anniversary of Stalin's invasion of Poland. Seventy years. To the day. I'm not a big conspiracy guy; but I'm also not a big coincidence guy either.
Anyway, that night I was listening to Michael Savage's show, and he theorized that Obama's abandonment of the missile defense program for our Eastern European allies had been traded away for Russia's toleration of a future strike against Iran's nuke program by the Israelis.
I don't know, that seems a little too.......competent for a strategy thought up in Obama's War Room. After all, he IS the man who placed Wile E. Biden, Suuuuuuuuuper Genius one heartbeat away from the presidency. This is a Machiavellian Move, and President Obama ain't no Machiavelli.
My thought is that Obama was going to cut the missile shield anyway, so what's the motivation for Putin & Russia to offer to pay him to do what he's already going to do anyway? That's like throwing a $20 on Paris Hilton's nightstand on your way out the door - she didn't ask for the money, and even if she had, do you think the money is the REAL reason why she let you treat her like a blow up *&^%-doll and videotape the whole thing so your friends could enjoy it too?
Are we supposed to believe that Obama is an Uber-manipulator, sort of how the Left used to portray Karl Rove? No, I pretty much believe that Halon's Razor is in effect here:
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
My question to all of you is this:
Which President scares you more: The master-manipulator who is seven moves ahead of his enemies in a worldwide game of chess, and considers Poland and the Czech Republic to be expendable pawns? Or Chauncey Gardiner with a cultivated skill at public speaking & a 1000-watt smile?

posted by Russ from Winterset at
04:51 PM
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