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September 18, 2009
Open Blog! And Lurkers De-Lurk Thread
Bumped [ace]: Say hello if you like.
Kind of slow Friday and Ace had to um, run out for a bit. Seems there were some questions after last week's get together and well, let's just say Mexico is nice this time of year and there is no extradition treaty.
Also, we've been experience quite the traffic bump here lately (Obama...saving or creating tens of thousands of conservative blog hits a day!) but we may not have had the chance to meet everyone.
So if you're new here or a long time lurker, start carrying you weight and jump in on the comments. Consider this a safe swim period.
Keep in mind, comment here long enough you might even get the keys some day. That's how I started and figure I'm good until Ace figures out how to revoke my password in the Spanish version of the blog software.
posted by DrewM. at
05:48 PM
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