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September 18, 2009
Rasmussen: Those "Strongly Opposed" to Obamacare Now Outnumber All Supporters
Only a one point change, but the trend is unmistakable:
Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide now oppose the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the highest level of opposition yet measured and includes 44% who are Strongly Opposed.
Just 43% now favor the proposal, including 24% who Strongly Favor it.
Thanks to Shooter McGavin.
Oh, This Is Not Going To Go Well for the President At All: I suspect the numbers opposed will skyrocket when people hear about the President's idea for covering illegal aliens: just give them an amnesty!
Also: I've gotta say, this question from Rasmussen doesn't quite measure what we'd like it to. The question is whether the respondent favors or opposes "the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats." Of course, there are five healthcare bills in Congress and the President outlined his own vision (although none of the bills completed so far look much like what he claimed he was seeking).
So, the question really only measures whether the respondent likes, in a general sense, what the Democrats in Washington, D.C. are up to. I bet most people are saying "no" or "hell no" not to any particular Democratic healthcare bill, but to the Democratic behavior in general.
Democrats acted like jerks ever since Obama tried to rush this through in July. It got worse in August with all the namecalling—"the mob", "terrorists", "racists", "like theKKK", "evil-mongers", "want to kill the president", "traitors", and "Neanderthals." And this month Obama accuses Republicans of scare tactics and then suggests people will die if we don't fall in line. His amnesty suggestion is going to go over like a ton of bricks.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:38 AM
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