« Flashback: Obama to Acorn: We're Goin' to be Callin' on You to Help Shape the Agenda |
Vid of Creepy ACORN Guy Soliciting Hannah, Asking How He Can Help Smuggle Girls Across Border »
September 16, 2009
San Diego Sting Thread
ACORN Dude Solicits Hannah; "How Much?;" Offers to Help Smuggle Girls Over Border
Figure it's either illegal aliens or smuggling pot in from Mexico.
In the meantime:
NBC and CBS finally cover the story, very sympathetically, of course, to ACORN. And they call ACORN's critics conservative ten bazillion times and never once mention ACORN might swing a bit to the left.
A former ACORN employee calls it the most corrupt group in the country. (Video.)
The Politico's Mike Allen, who hopes one day to work for a real tv news network instead of an internet webzine, defends tv news networks. They have to report on "real stories," you see, so they can't report on ACORN. (Safe link to Newsbusters.)
Oh, and we should be grateful for their playing The Deciders for us: ""I think we should be grateful for that filter so that you go to places- NBC News, Politico, others- that you can trust and you’ll know that what is there is accurate and not speculation.""
Schwarzenegger: Coehagen, Give De People Investigation Into Malfeasance! Drudge slug, no story yet, but what more could the story say?