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September 15, 2009
Sweet Fancy Moses: Glenn Beck, BigGovernment.com Posting Most Explosive ACORN Vid Yet
Glenn Beck is at 5pm, BigGovernment.com will post first at 4 pm. (Eastern.)
Next up: The San Bernadino office.
Here's what you'll find - the latest video sting of ACORN. This one in a San Bernardino ACORN office where the employee can't talk fast enough about the connections they have to politicians (naming them by name) and even an admission of murder.
I heard some buzz about this. Someone says, it's is claimed, that she shot and killed her husband and got away with it. I can't wait for the context in which that little anecdote is told.
I am guessing it's something like "Oh don't worry about taxes, hey, I punched my husbands ticket and got away with it."