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September 09, 2009
Obama: Bring on the Sin Taxes!
Remeber when Obama said that 95% of Americans would not see a tax increase in his presidency? A lie.
"I actually think it's an idea that we should be exploring," Obama said in the forthcoming issue of Men's Health, regarding potential taxes levied on soft drinks such as colas and other sugar-filled products.
"There's no doubt that our kids drink way too much soda. And every study that's been done about obesity shows that there is as high a correlation between increased soda consumption and obesity as just about anything else," he said in excerpts released ahead of the magazine's mid-September publication.
The president -- reported to be one of the fittest US commanders-in-chief in decades -- stressed that "obviously there is resistance on Capitol Hill to those kinds of sin taxes.
"Legislators from certain states that produce sugar or corn syrup are sensitive to anything that might reduce demand for those products," he said.
Other people who might resist include, you know, anyone who thinks the President should keep his nosy face out of what people choose to eat and drink. Also, people who think that taxing us isn't going to solve our economic woes.
Related: Failed governor of Michigan proposes taxes on live entertainment, bottled water, vending machine sales, and service contracts. She also wants to raise taxes on tobacco products, eliminate exemptions and deductions, and freeze the personal exemption.
She raised taxes in 2007 too. Oddly, it didn't help.
Michigan is swirling in the bowl. Exhibit No. 1 of "progressive governance."

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:27 PM
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