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September 08, 2009
Verum Serum Profiled in the Atlantic on Role in Sotomayor Confirmation
Verum Serum is a blog that includes a great deal of original research. Among other notable discoveries, it was the first to discover and publish the video of Justice Sotomayor's "the courts is where policy is made" comment. It also uncovered the Berkeley speech in which she demonstrated her race- and gender-bias.
So it's nice to see the blog and its chief writer Morgen Richmond getting credit where credit is due. Especially after many larger blogs on the Right failed to even acknowledge his role in uncovering both of those finds about Justice Sotomayor. (Jerks.)
I'm not going to send you over to the Atlantic; I'm going to send you to Morgen's place and you can click through. Part of Morgen's piece on this:
To bring this full circle, I think the events of last week related to Van Jones clearly demonstrate that the blogosphere has a legitimate and fully defensible role to play in ascertaining and disseminating information of public interest. And more and more we seem to be doing this in the absence of, rather than in conjunction with traditional media. Personally, I think this represents an evolutionary improvement in the free-flow of information within society. Bowden obviously disagrees. Time will tell who is right, I suppose.
Check it out and while you're there be sure to give Morgen an attaboy in the comments.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:36 PM
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