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September 08, 2009
Why isn't tort reform in play?
OK I know why tort reform is not in any of the Democratic healthcare proposals currently in play. I mean it's common knowledge that the lawyers hold title on the Democrats. But why aren't the Republicans poking them in the eye with this? Lawyers, especially the ambulance-chasing kind are one of the main reasons healthcare costs so much. Many of the tests that doctors order have no medical purpose whatsoever and are simply to immunize them against a possible lawsuit.
I want Boehner and Cantor and Ryan and the rest of the Republican team standing on their desks hollering about the outrageous cost these frivolous suits add and why the Dems are scared to do anything about them. It is a joke to consider reforming healthcare and still allowing the vultures to feed. Who knows the way things have been going you may shame them into doing something. They need to pass something and the public option is history. I could accept a deal as long as tort reform is part of the puzzle.
Oh yeah and a solid restriction against illegal aliens getting a thing, and written in the bill not left for later.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
02:48 PM
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