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September 06, 2009
Olby to the Kos Kids: Send Me Every Rumor or Slander You Have on Glenn Beck
We'll show those McCarthyites what real McCarthyism is.
This is the finger I troll for dirt with!
Incidentally, he keeps spelling "oligarchy" wrong to make fun of Glenn Beck, who attempted to create an acronym out of "oligarchy" but didn't include a word for the "c." Honestly, it's my guess that word was "communist" but he abandoned it before going live. Nope: Commenters tell me the word was "czar," and further tell me he deliberately omitted it to "set up" his liberal critics. I don't get that last bit myself, but that's what I'm told.
You know the persnickety dick who catches you in a typo in an online spat and then won't shut up about it for six weeks? Yeah.
So, Olby's trolling for "news" from the Daily Kos.
But he's, like, a journalist and stuff.
Thanks to Morgen of Verum Serum.
Irony: Although the supposed prompt for this is Glenn Beck's call for information about Cass Sunstein, I think it's pretty clear that he's reacting to the smear campaign (ahem) which resulted in the lynching (ahem) of Van Jones.
The irony here is that Van Jones was drummed from his office because it is unacceptable in American politics to be a Truther. It is considered too embarrassing and too nutty and ruins one's political credibility.
And where does Olby go to seek his vengeance?
To the Daily Kos, which put up an announcement that no Truther statements or comments or petitions were permitted on the site, and would be deleted immediately, because Trutherism was too embarrassing and too nutty for the site's political credibility.
So, you know, Van Jones got pushed out of office by the same "McCarthyite tactics" that Kos employs to keep his site free of Trutherism.
What is creeping fascism when applied to a high government official is not, apparently, fascism, creeping or otherwise, when used against a common citizen of no public importance posting on a stupid blog.