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September 02, 2009
Hey Guess What? Olympia Snow May Throw Obama A Lifeline On Health Care
Wow, could have seen this coming?
CNN is reporting that the White House, having largely ditched Republican Gang-of-Sixers Chuck Grassley and Mike Enzi, is in serious negotiations with Snowe about whether she would support a public option that only goes into effect years down the road if the private insurance industry doesn't come through with the type of reforms that cover more uninsured people.
This so-called "trigger" option may not be a silver bullet for a bipartisan breakthrough on health reform, but it might draw just enough hesitant Democratic moderates -- with cover from Snowe as a Republican supporter -- while appeasing liberals who are insisting on some kind of a public option.
Well, this would give Obama a lot of what he needs.
First, he has to have something new and exciting to talk about next week at his big speech. At this point all he has to offer is the same old same old. He needs a game changer.
Second, he needs to have a way to seem to give up on the public option without freaking out the liberals. This would be the wink and nod that would assure the left that like every government program it will grow bigger and more invasive.
No one would seriously believe that the Obama administration will write any rules that private health insurers could live up to. The fix will be in.
Is there any chance that we can trade Maine to Canada? At this point, I'd chip in to get them to take it. Sorry Slu.
Surprise: Olympia Snowe to the Left of Some Democrats [ace]: To be accurate, they're not talking about the same provisions here, but while Steny Hoyer lays down a marker, Olympia Snowe plays pussyfoot.
What is wrong with Maine.
A participant at the town hall meeting that was held in Waldorf, Md., asked Hoyer if he believed the health care bill would cause a "tax increase or an increase to the deficit?"
"Neither," Hoyer replied.
"The fact of the matter is, though," he added, a moment later, "that on this bill, we have said, a) it will be paid for. It will be paid for. And if it’s not paid for, I’m not going to vote for it.”

posted by DrewM. at
08:30 PM
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