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September 02, 2009
Keep Your Kid Home on ObamaDay?
Although I imagine, as I've said, this will just be a stay-in-school-learning's-cool speech, I also think he's going to smuggle in some stealth liberalism. The boy can't help himself.
So, should you keep your kid home that day?
There is recent precedent -- liberals the nation over kept their kids home on the day of Obama's inauguration to watch history being made. Or somethin'.
So, it's not as if politics haven't been used in the recent past to declare a mental health day.
Take Responsibility for Your Success in School: Not a thing controversial about the announced main theme:
President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT...
Still two outstanding problems:
1) Where is the text of the speech so parents can make an informed choice about this, and make sure the schools aren't being used to smuggle in samizdats?
2) It's unprecedented for a President to demand -- um, "offer" -- to speak to all of the nation's students during school hours. That right there might rankle many parents, who don't appreciate the trappings of a K-12 Cult of Personality going on here.
There's enough of that already among the nation's adults.