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August 30, 2009
Overnight Open Thread – (genghis)
Thanks to Maet for putting up with you insufferable punks last night. And what does he get for all his trouble (including giving you a clip showing a shot from a nuclear cannon?) Nothing but trouble, that’s what. His hands are still shaking so badly he could barely type up this week's commenter stats, which are below the fold.
Just to follow up on all things nuclear cannon-like, a reminder that the clip along with many others can be found on the DVD ”Trinity and Beyond” (aka “The Atomic Bomb Movie”) We talked about it on a post many many months ago with special emphasis on that freaky-ass scene near the end when the Chinese conduct their first test and a bunch of their soldiers are seen riding horses at top speed towards the blast site wearing gas masks and waving rifles. Had a definite “Planet of the Apes” feel to it. The DVD is narrated by (wait for it)…William Shatner! The link above has a couple of other clips along with original trailer.
In other science-ish news, a British team has beaten the world’s longest-standing land speed record, which was for a steam-powered vehicle.
” Engineers from Hampshire in the south of England have broken the world's longest-standing land speed record - the fastest speed for a steam-driven car. The car, nicknamed the World's Fastest Kettle, reached an average speed of 225kph over two runs at the Edwards Air Force Base in California.”
Nitpickers and naysayers will naysay that it’s actually propane-powered. I’ll admit it would be a lot more impressive if there were a guy standing behind the driver shoveling coal into the boiler. There’s a vid at YouTube of the team ‘splaining how it all works, but you’d have to listen to people talking in British accents and I just don’t have the heart to do that to you tonight. Next up for the team: Balloon-speed record.
More fun below the fold…
Since Dave in South Oklahoma couldn’t be bothered to post a cheerleader this weekend I guess it’s up to me (do I have to do everything around here?). So what if it’s preseason? What kind of excuse is that?
Weekly Commenter Stats (presented by Maetenloch)
Top 10 commenters:
1 [328 comments] 'Ben' [46.9 posts/day]
2 [321 comments] ''Nam Grunt'
3 [296 comments] 'kbdabear'
4 [287 comments] 'TexasJew'
5 [272 comments] 'George Orwell'
6 [271 comments] 'Truman North'
7 [260 comments] 'Johnathan E.'
8 [227 comments] 'wherestherum'
9 [219 comments] 'Dave C '
10 [183 comments] 'Winston Smith'
Top 10 sockpuppeteers:
1 [52 names] 'kbdabear' [7.30 unique names/day]
2 [47 names] 'TexasJew'
3 [33 names] 'George Orwell'
4 [32 names] 'andycanuck'
5 [28 names] 'toby928'
6 [27 names] 'Dave C '
7 [25 names] 'palin steele (the only non-partisan on AoSHQ)'
8 [24 names] 'Y-not'
9 [21 names] ' Blazer'
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.
posted by xgenghisx at
09:42 PM
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