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August 28, 2009
Obama FCC Appointee Thinks Chavez Is A Swell Guy Who Does A Lot Of Good Work With The Media
Obama and his team apparently thought so much of this Mark Lloyd guy they created a job for him, "Chief Diversity Officer".
I'm not sure if it's his admiration for Chavez or willingness to disparage freedom of speech they liked the most
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.
"[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance."
Check out the full Newsbusters' story on this guy.
What's Chavez been up to lately? Not much, just shutting down media outlets and throwing people in jail for "media crimes".
Venezuela has revoked the licences of dozens of radio stations as part of a wider crackdown which could jail people deemed guilty of "media crimes" for up to four years.
At least 13 stations went off the air over the weekend and another 21 were expected to follow soon in an effort by President Hugo Chávez to extend his socialist revolution.
The move followed last week's introduction of a draft law to jail journalists and broadcasters who "harm the interests of the state", "cause panic" or "disturb social peace". Critics denounced the moves as a recipe for censorship. "What we are witnessing is the most comprehensive assault on free speech in Venezuela since Chávez came to power," said Jose Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch.
Seems the press has a dog in this particular fight and that they might want to ask Obama or Lloyd if they think this kind of stuff is and interesting idea and if they plan on subscribing to Chavez's newsletter. More likely they will ignore it figuring they won't be eaten at all or at least last by this particular alligator.
Between his support for every tyrant he can find, a willingness to abandon friends fighting for freedom and appointments of wannabe dictators like this guy Lloyd, you might start to get the idea that Obama is a radical leftists with very little respect for American traditions or values.
Heck of a job 52%! Heck of a job!
posted by DrewM. at
11:45 AM
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