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August 27, 2009
Take a Vet to Lunch
I meant this for the sidebar, but I guess it should be a main post.
As Memorial day passed this year, I began to think of this year’s upcoming Veteran’s day and my plan to continue the “Take a Vet to Lunch” tradition started last year. It was at this point that I thought I should spread the word. My plan is to start with a web site, some simple promotion, and hopefully, by Veterans’ Day 2009, every living US Military Veteran will be taken to lunch. My plan is to assemble some features of the web site that will help local organizers and send email reminders as the day approaches, while fostering a community and forum for other ideas to honor our vets.
It’s a very simple thing. It’s appreciative without being overly ceremonial, and simple enough that most Vets will accept it without too much fuss. I have found most Vets to be humble in their acceptance of any fanfare for what they consider to be a dutiful task, while themselves being almost aggressively thankful to others who have made similar sacrifices.