« Overnight Open Thread – (genghis) |
Top Headline Comments 08-26-09 »
August 26, 2009
BREAKING: Ted Kennedy Dead at Age 77 (genghis)
CNN's coverage so far.
press release from the Kennedy family posted on the Senator's official web page.
Fox News Channel
BBC Obit with a fairly lengthy section on Chappaquidick, including a pic of the car in the water.
Boston Globe coverage
Boston Herald coverage
Flashback: Sen. Kennedy guest-blogs at Iowahawk.
More as as updates come in...(NOTE: when the post gets updated the comments may vanish briefly...they're still there; just add a new comment and they'll all reappear.)
(Ed note - genghis) I'm going to leave the commentary and analysis for Ace and the others when they roll out of bed tomorrow morning. I mostly handle kitteh-related topics around here. I'll just leave it at this (until it gets deleted for being tasteless or something):
Photo from the BBC obituary linked above

posted by xgenghisx at
01:36 AM
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