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August 22, 2009
EU to 4000 airlines: Reduce your Carbon Emissions, or be banned from our Airports. [krakatoa]
When political activism and grant money colors science, bad public policy is sure to follow. Initially I was at a loss when I read this. Do they truly comprehend the economic impact here?
First, what do they think these fleets can be retrofitted with to reach their goals? The technology has yet to be invented that allows either a carbon-neutral jet engine, or some other form of propulsion.
Second: What do they think will happen to their economy if tourism and all the myriad business commerce that takes place via air travel were to cease?
Then I remembered rule number 1 of perplexing government actions: Follow the money.
This isn't about pollution. This isn't about neo-luddites, or about politicians with a visceral hatred of humanity.
It is about money. This is a shakedown. Force airlines to buy carbon offsets directly or via fines the EU will impose.
Under the new law, from January 1, 2012 all airlines -- both European and non-European -- operating within Europe would have to limit CO2 emissions or face penalties.
The Western world's governments are all looking more like mobsters every day, complete with the expensive suits and the thriving protection rackets.
If you don't believe it can happen here, you should reconsider what Cap and Trade is all about.
The ghosts of La Cosa Nostra are kicking themselves for not having the foresight: Forget buying off politicians -- we should have been the politicians.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:13 AM
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