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August 18, 2009
Racist Republican Extremist Plays Upon Age-Old Fears of Racial Miscegenation to Frighten Bitter Clingers
As Kathleen Parker put it, you hear the racist dog whistles any time a Southerner talks about a black male "stealing" the sexual innocence of pillow-bosomed voluptuous blonde naifs.
Minnesota GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty joked Monday night that MSNBC host Chris Matthews is looking for some “bromance” with President Barack Obama.
Asked to follow up on a comment he made Friday night during a speech at the second annual GOPAC conference in Chicago in which he said the “Hardball” host had a “man crush” on the president, Pawlenty explained to Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that he “jokingly said that the only thing rising faster than the debt and deficit of the government is Chris Matthews's man crush on Barack Obama.”
“I was going to use the term, Greta, ‘bromance,’ but I thought that was a little too nuanced,” Pawlenty said.
Kathleen Parker just emailed me to say that, as a Southerner, she understands well the racio-sexual panic that sets in whenever a smooth-talking black man comes to steal our chubby wide-assed white men.
I know no one wants to hear this -- as people are still locked in to the candidates they've previously supported, mostly -- but Tim Pawlenty is sounding pretty good lately.
Sure, it's just a cheap joke. It doesn't make him presidential material. But he's been sounding a lot of pretty notes lately.
The important thing here is that he's willing to tell the media to take its sensitivities, biases, and assumptions and stick them up their collective squeaker. Which is the first test for a serious candidate.
It should be called "the John McCain test."
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.
Oh: Chris Matthews just wrote me to say this post is 1) racist and 2) very, very hot.
On Second Thought, Maybe Not: I took Pawlenty's climate-change joke to mean he was willing to call a spade a spade and call the "evidence" weak at best and nonsense at worst.
That's one of the reasons I like Palin -- she has the onions to call shenanigans on this hoax. I thought Pawlenty was showing a true maverick streak like she does.
Not so much.
n April, Mr. Pawlenty delivered the remarks that probably best reveal his views on the environment. "It looks like we should have listened to President Carter," he told the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. "He called us to action, and we should have listened. . . . Climate change is real. Human behavior is partly and may be a lot responsible. Those who don't think so are simply not right. We should not spend time on voices that say it's not real."
So, he's not really willing to piss on the media's pieties.
Thanks to the Ghost of Lee Atwater.