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August 15, 2009
Rasmussen: 54% Think No Bill Better Than ObamaCare
With support for ObamaCare itself down to 35%.
That's good, but we need it up to 60%. The Democrats know two things: 1, this is their last, best opportunity to socialize the health system, and they will not let this moment pass unless the consequences for going full-retard are politically catastrophic. A lot of Blue Dogs can be bought off, and not just with pork: Promises (illegal as hell) can be made that anyone who loses his seat due to his vote can be set up in style as a top lobbyist. Obama's said he's willing to be a one-termer, shoving a politically unpopular socialist agenda down America's throat, if that's what it takes. And I believe him.
2, no matter how much opposition there is to this bill, the liberal base loves it -- partly just because they want to score an all-mighty "win" for their Earthbound God -- and so for wavering Democrats, this is a lose-lose proposition. They can either lose the moderates and independents, or they can lose their base. Both are critical. Many Democrats, even the Blue Dogs are hopes are pinned on, will likely decide that if they're going to lose a critical bloc of voters, they might as well "do the right thing" and commit America to the grueling misery of socialism before they're out the door.
All of this majority-opposition is nice and all, but we need a passionate supermajority to let the Democrats know that this will not merely be a painful vote, but a potentially devastating one.
Bear in mind 70% of the public was strenuously against Amnesty, and yet they tried to push that through three times (IIRC), and each time they were only short by a vote or two. (And the final votes were deceptive, as many Senators' votes were released by the whips when it was clear that they were one or two votes shy -- had they had those one or two extra votes, many of the "nays" would have bit the bullet and voted "aye.")
Obama and the Democrats will pass this over widespread public objection, so long as the damage is moderate. Only if the damage is truly grave will they stop.
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.