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August 13, 2009
Finance Committee Drops End-of-Life Counseling Positions
But eliminate one problem and create another.
Obama is desperate for pretend-but-plausible methods of claiming he'll reduce costs such that he can deliver this "deficit neutral" without raising taxes on the middle class.
Here goes another one of his nonsense cost-saving measures. To be honest, I never feared this end-of-life type stuff that much because I always thought there would be an outrcy and it would get removed.
Trouble is, most of his "savings" are of this sort -- stuff that's never going to happen, ergo no savings.
The stuff that does happen will be wildly unpopular and will, in fact, harm one group (seniors) to benefit another (the uninsured).
I don't think he cares because in the end his real plan is just to jack up taxes once the country is "a little bit pregnant" with socialized medicine. So these "cost-savings" are not real, just some snake-oil he's selling us.
Cost is irrelevant in the end, because he just plans on raising taxes through the roof no matter what the cost is. But he needs to sell us on the idea that costs will be low.
But, another one officially gone. The pool of methods by which he'll "bend the curve" is getting low and dry.
Thanks to A. Weasel.
Oh: I'd be remiss if I didn't note, as A. Weasel did, that Sarah Palin's agitation contributed to this.
Bear in mind, though, that Obama is proposing a $500 billion cut to Medicare (or Medicaid, or both; forget which).
Where do those savings come from?
Well, unless you believe we can save $500 billion by just not cutting out seniors' tonsils and skipping one "unnecessary" test per visit what we're talking about is reducing coverage for the elderly.
A death-panel of a kind, too.