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August 13, 2009
Why Are People Who Never Visit the White House Site for Information Getting Emails from David Axelrod?
Update: Is It Because Axelrod Has Put Out a "Viral" Email He Wants His Cultists to Spam Out?
Major Garrett is asking Gibbs about this. Gibbs is just saying he doesn't know and denying that anything is going on.
There is actually an easy (possible) answer: Lefties are signing up righties they don't like for email blasts. They do that sort of thing.
Whether that's the case here, or there's something more... interesting at hand, I don't know.
Jake Tapper, by the way, did not ask about Doctor AxelTurf.
Miss Marples Writes:
What we have here are people who communicated with the White House as a governmental entity who are getting e-mails from Obama's political group.
That is a violation of law, if that is what happened, and that is why Garrett's question is important.
Yes, I know that, but what I am saying is that trouble-making lefties may be signing people up for email blasts. It's not like anyone verifies those are real sign-ups.
But yes, it could be quite a bit more than that, too.
I am just offering one possible innocent explanation, not endorsing it. I want to know the answer myself. That's why I posted this.
Ah: I see my error. I said they'd "never visited White House sites." I am corrected: They visited the White House as a governmental, non-partisan entity serving the public, not Obama, and yet are getting emails from David Axerod, who represents Obama's political arm. Which is not a "public service" thing, but someone serving only Obama and his political ambitions.
Thanks for correcting.
Is This the Explanation? Axelrod is putting out an email he himself says is "viral" (that is, he's telling people to make it viral) in the header.
Perhaps lefties are merely following the orders of the High Priest of their Cult and sending it to everyone they know.
CBS' account:
His Internet outreach reflects growing concern at the White House that the president�s efforts to enact an overhaul of the health insurance system in America are encountering unexpectedly tough resistance and are in trouble.
At the start of Axelrod's e-mail, which he addresses to "Dear Friend," he quotes the president from Tuesday's event, speaking out against "wild misrepresentations" of the health care plan he wants. He said opponents were citing provisions "that bear no resemblance to anything that's been proposed."
Axelrod urges his e-mail recipients spread his message and "start a chain email of our own."
He clearly doesn't mind if his e-mail goes viral.
Note well that those claiming "AstroTurfing" are now sending out top-down, DC-birthed, party-coordinated "viral" messages to counter real viral emails.