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August 12, 2009
NY State: Hey Welfare Recipients, Here's A Couple Of Hundre Bucks Compliments Of Obama And George Soros
Between Cash for Clunkers and now $200 for every child on welfare in NY we must be living in flush economic times. I mean, we're just handing money out left and right but mostly left, IYKWIMAITYD.
"It's free money!" said Alecia Rumph, 26, who waited in a Morris Park, Bronx, line 300 people deep for the cash to buy uniforms and book bags for her two kids.
"Thank God for Obama. He's looking out for us."
Thousands of people lined up at banks and check-cashing shops to withdraw the cash that magically appeared on their electronic benefit cards.
Some rushed out because of rumors the money would vanish by the end of the day.
"Rumors, there's always rumors," said Teresa Medina, who waited four hours at a Pay-O-Matic in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, to get $600 for her three teenagers - just in case they were true.
The no-strings-attached money went to families receiving food stamps or welfare.
Every child between 3 and 17 was eligible for $200, which worked out to 813,845 kids across the state - including 498,866 in the city.
The total bill came to $175 million dollars, $35 million in donations from George Soros and the rest from the so-called "stimulus" plan.
Yes, I know it's cold hearted to begrudge poor people a couple of hundred bucks but despite what the woman quoted in the story says, there is no such thing as free money. One way or another that money is coming from somewhere and out of someone else's pocket. Those people, you know the ones who work and pay taxes (the forgotten man, if you will) just don't count or something.
It must be nice being a Democrat, not only do you flat out buy votes but you use other people's money to do it.
It's almost like Obama meant it when he said he wanted to "spread the wealth around".
posted by DrewM. at
10:35 AM
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