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Top Headline Comments 08-10-09 »
August 10, 2009
Pelosi/Hoyer Op-Ed: ObamaCare Protesters "Un-American"
Their complaint is supposedly about protesters drowning out speakers. That is kinda-sorta un-American. (But not, apparently, when the left does it, constantly, with every speaker they don't like.)
But this is a phony complaint, because we haven't seen many (any, actually, though maybe I missed some) drown-outs on video. What we've seen is back-talk and hard questions, which is what Madame Pelosi really objects to. It's not that Democratic speakers aren't being heard. It's that they're not being heard unchallenged. Confronting them with hard questions and disputing their made-up fakey facts undermines their spin and talking points, and they can't have that.
And Steny Hoyer, too.
However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted "Just say no!" drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion.
These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.
Health care is complex. It touches every American life. It drives our economy. People must be allowed to learn the facts.
The facts are being obscured by politicians selling a con-job, and they get pissy when their nonsense is not accepted uncritically by their inferiors.
Voters should be seen and not heard, I guess.