« A Pledge for Civil, Non-Violent "Discussion" Over Health Care Offered by... Um, SEIU
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August 07, 2009
Molly McCaughey Has Read the Entire Health Care Bill, and Deems it "Vicious Assault on the Elderly"
Bonus! Sarah Palin Joins the Fray
Oh, wait, did I mention she's on Fred Thompson's show?
Paid for, she says right up front, with a $500 billion cut in elderly care.
Having not read it myself (and therefore as expert on it as most members of Congress), I can't vouch for her claims.
Oh, what the hell. I hereby vouch for her claims.
What Could Be More Pleasing to Conservatives Than a Post Containing Teh Fred? Easy. A post containing Teh Fred and Teh Baracuda.
She's also alarmed by the rationing provisions, and worries a panel evaluating how much this or that life was worth would have wound up denying care to Trig.
Now, imagine how upset if she were talking about her own baby.
(Ahem. Odd that the MSM which piles on the Birthers for their odd claims never really got around to castigating liberals claiming Governor Palin wore a fat suit around for three months to disguise the fact it was actually a daughter who was pregnant with Trig.)