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Tele-Turfing: Democrats, Fearing Contact with Genuine Americans, Turn to "Tele-Town-Halls," Where It's Invitation-Only and They Control the Attendees and Their Questions »
August 06, 2009
Obama: Hey, Lefty Bloggers, Here are Some Poll-Tested Talking Points I Want You to Push (and By the Way, Call My Opponents "Astroturfers" in a Coordinated, Message-Disciplined Manner)
Update: "Organizing for America" Puts out 911 for Astroturfers!
It is to laugh, in an urban Heath Ledger sort of chilling way.
So just to sum up, Obama enlists the aid of a small group of liberal bloggers in the health care fight, and then those same bloggers write posts echoing White House and DNC talking points -- and in the very process of doing that, accuse their political opponents of astroturfing!
At Iowahawk, a new directive from Under-Minister of Truth Linda Doulass.
Greetings citizen! By now you may have heard scattered rumors of state and party officials encountering reactionary resistors at local health care reform information programs. Do not be alarmed, for our 5-year plan for citizen health proceeds without delay. Remain stalwart! The truth can be told at last, that these so-called "protests" are merely the desperate rear flank mob actions of dead-end bandits and saboteurs in the pay of enemy insurance agents.
Pay them no heed, for these outside agitators in no way represent any threat to our great patriotic push forward for increased citizen heathfulness! These well-dressed prep school gangsters of reaction seek only to frighten and demoralize and intimidate you, with their confusing "facts" and hob-nailed Sperry Topsiders. Unfortunately they are joined in conspiracy by a well-financed network of unlicensed blogs and talk radio traitors, who exaggerate their numbers and percolate disinformation -- even cleverly staged YouTube videos of an impostor President Obama saying "quotes"!
Remain strong, citizen, for the day of their comeuppance is near! Patriotic spontaneous volunteers from MoveOn.org, Organizing For America, HCAN, SEIU, AFSCME, ACORN, NPR, and MSNBC have all pledged independent grassroots efforts to spread the word about the health-hating tricksters and their transparent astroturf agitation campaign!
You too can help by remaining ever-vigilant for health traitors in your local sectors. But beware: though small in number the state health reform enemy is clever, and well trained in subterfuge and disguise by his monopolist paymasters. Your job is to recognize his signs, and report any fishy-seeming protest or blog activities to me or other official authorities within the Health Care Truth Ministry. Here is a visual training course to help you in the execution of this important patriotic duty.
I'm not sure exactly why, but I am quite certain that posting this video is racist.
Maybe Pop Goes the Weasel by 3rd Bass would have been more urbane.
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.
Update: The supposedly non-partisan creature of Obama, Organizing for America, puts out the Bat Joker Signal to fill town halls with bodies sympathetic to Obama.
But it's not astroturfing if it's leftist agitation.