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August 03, 2009
Democrat Calls Concerned Citizens a "Mob"; Refuses to Reconsider Obamacare
UPDATE: Dick Durban Accuses Insurance Companies of Astroturfing
Ace posted this video of Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett bailing on a town-hall type question-and-answer in his Austin district as concerned citizens chanted "just say no" to the Democrats' healthcare plans. The embarrassed and imperiled Blue Dog then issued a statement loaded with liberal strawmen:
This mob, sent by the local Republican and Libertarian parties, did not come just to be heard, but to deny others the right to be heard. And this appears to be part of a coordinated, nationwide effort. What could be more appropriate for the “party of no” than having its stalwarts drowning out the voices of their neighbors by screaming “just say no!” Their fanatical insistence on repealing Social Security and Medicare is not just about halting health care reform but rolling back 75 years of progress. I am more committed than ever to win approval of legislation to offer more individual choice to access affordable health care. An effective public plan is essential to achieve that goal.
I've been hoping that the tea parties would blossom into a more focused results-oriented grassroots movement. Sure, Taxes=Bad; now let's shoot down some spending while we're at it.
This month is our chance to be heard as Democrats try and push Obamacare during the recess. Don't forget to give 'em a piece of your mind on Cap & Tax; it's still pending in the Senate.
UPDATE: Sen. Durbin claims that the Americans so upset by Democratic plans to sink our healthcare into the Dark Ages aren't really upset at all. Rather, he says they're being paid by insurance companies:
"I hope my colleagues won't fall for a sucker punch like this," Durbin told the liberal blog ThinkProgress.
"These health insurance companies and people like them are trying to load these town meetings for visual impact on television," he added.
This, of course, is just an extension of San Fran Nan's plan to demonise insurers. It echoes Doggett's hysterical claim that we're part of some "coordinated" attack on Democrats.
Next they'll be claiming that Rasmussen and Pew are also being paid to say that a majority opposes Obamacare.
Tanks to Sissy Willis.