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July 31, 2009
'Welcome to the White House. Here's your bill!'
Yikes. How tacky is this?
Four of the most powerful business leaders in America arrived at the White House one day last month for lunch with President Barack Obama, sitting down in his private dining room just steps from the Oval Office.
But even for powerful CEOs, there’s no such thing as a free lunch: White House staffers collected credit card numbers for each executive and carefully billed them for the cost of the meal with the president.
The White House defended the unusual move as a way to avoid conflicts of interest. But the Bush administration didn’t charge presidential guests for meals, one former official said, and at least one etiquette expert found the whole thing unseemly – suggesting it was a serious breach of protocol.
DVDs for the UK prime minister; an iPod for the Queen and now this.
Did Joe Biden get a promotion to White House protocol officer?
(H/t: Hot Air headlines)

posted by Slublog at
10:18 AM
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