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July 28, 2009
Crazy-Fun: Andrew Sullivan Announces Yet Again Trig is Not Sarah's Son; May Flee to Another Country to Escape Orwellian US
Terry has sent me a couple of email exchanges with The Only True Conservative On the Internet.
[Query, starting off with a Sullivan quote about (of course) Provicetown:]
"Oh, and the sewer broke over July 4, with poo coming up out of the drains and showers and toilets. Good times."
Hmm.....in metaphoric terms, this is a pretty good description of one of your blog posts on Governor Palin and her son, Trig.
[Sullivan's answer in entirety:]
he's not her son
Sullivan then whines that America is much less free under the president he full-throatedly (ahem) supported:
[Query, once again beginning with Sullivan quote:]
America is slowly becoming something very different than the country I found when i first came here in 1984."
Setting aside the sheer lunacy and shrillness of this absurd comment, there remains an obvious solution to your concern; namely, get the Hell out!
[Sullivan's response in entirety:]
i probably will at some point. if only to find a freer place to live.
So Bammy is erecting (ahem) a police state? Well, even I wouldn't go quite that far, but if La Dolce Sullivan has some criticisms of Bammy's governance, I'm all ears.
A while back I noted a guest-blogger's post on Sullivan's site asserted that Sullivan had, finally, accepted the biological impossibility of Bristol having become pregnant a single month after she gave birth (supposedly) to Trig.
I didn't really consider the ramifications of that.
He continues to assert that Trig is not Sarah Palin's son. (At least in emails-- the bravest man on the internet dare not say this directly on his blog, or else he'll get suspended or worse.)
So... um, if Bristol isn't the mother, who is Sarah Palin covering for?
Must be someone close in the family. You don't wear a fake pregnancy fat suit for just anyone.
So... who?
Well, this fat rotten lunatic, this corpulent schizophrenic bastard, this portly paranoid prat, having finally gotten hip to basic female biology at the ripe old age of 67 or whatever he is, is now postulating, without having the balls to say so, that Trig actually was the son of the then-13 year old Willow Palin.
Andrew Sullivan is the most popular blogger at the storied and venerable The Atlantic Monthly.
Dishonesty: Sullivan claims, on the blog, that he has no firm theories about Trig Palin's birth; that he's just "asking questions" and shaming the media into doing its job.
On his blog he maintains that he has no answers, nor suspected answers. Just questions. Only questions.
When you get him off his blog, where his corporate masters can't monitor his writing, he reveals that he's lying on the blog and lying bald-facedly; he has very set ideas about Trig's parentage; very firm beliefs indeed.
So, he's lying to his audience. He is lying to his readers. What he writes on his blog is simply not true. He is not merely "asking questions" but otherwise devoid of an operating theory; he has the answers in hand (or so he believes).
But he's not willing to level with his readers and tell them that.
The most honest man on the internet routinely lies about his actual beliefs on his own blog. Just like he lied for months before the election of 2004, when he told the Advocate he was voting for Kerry, but maintained on his blog (which was largely conservative at the time) that he was still "deciding" between Bush and Kerry and had no idea whatsoever whom he'd end up voting for.
Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish
Come for the lies. Stay for the steroid-fueled dementia.