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July 27, 2009
Cops Release GatesGate Tapes; 911 Call By Racist Woman Made No Mention of Race
A woman who called 911 to report a possible break-in at the home of black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. makes no mention of race.
The caller, Lucia Whalen, says she saw two men pushing on the door of the house. She tells police she is not sure if the men live there or not. When pressed for a description by a dispatcher, she says one of the men may have been Hispanic.
Another tape is less interesting. Crowley is heard calling Gates "uncooperative" and tells dispatch to "keep the [other cop] cars coming."
Breitbart's article on Obama's "accidental gift on race" to the nation is worth reading.
Of course, the attorney general is essentially right in his assessment. Much of America is petrified to bring up race, especially in public forums - the media, in particular. But for exactly the opposite reasons Mr. Holder, the Obama administration and the brain trust of modern liberalism assert.
Americans, especially nonblacks, are deeply fearful that the dynamic is predicated on an un-American premise: presumed guilt. Innocence, under the extra-constitutional reign of political correctness, liberalism's brand of soft Shariah law, must be proved ex post facto.
And that is why the Case of Sergeant Crowley vs. Professor Gates is so important. As is expected from professional race baiters, Mr. Gates instigated a public brouhaha over race. And Mr. Obama, a man who attended the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racist sermons for 20 years, used the bully pulpit to grant his friend a national platform to condemn a man for doing his job.
Now that the facts of the case show that his friend the professor was the man doing the racial profiling, the president wants to end the discussion.
Now we see what the attorney general meant when he spoke of cowards.
Incidentally, the New York Times is shocked that this uneducated racist cop didn't know who Gates was.
Well, here's the thing. I work vaguely in politics and I watch cable shout-fests and I went to law school. (Law books always contain some critical racial thinking type essays, so odds are I've seen his name in print.)
I have, in sum, pretty much the best possible general resume for knowing who Gates is, outside of being someone who works in the non-academic field of "African-American Studies," or being a liberal conference-goer where (I imagine) Gates occasionally speaks.
And do I know who he is? Well, I have heard of him. I did not previously know what he looked like. I have no idea whatsoever about what dubious contributions he might have made to scholarship, or what his schtick is. If you asked me what college he was at, I would have said Harvard, but that would have been an informed guess.
I've heard the name. That's it, pretty much.
And I have a reason to know him, sort of.
So I don't really share the New York Times' amazement that "Sergeant Crowley had no idea who he was. Days later, the sergeant was surprised when friends explained that he was one of Harvard’s most famous professors.”
Thanks to DanielA.