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July 26, 2009
Overnight Open Thread – Back to Work Edition (genghis)
Just a few more hours of freedom left before you have to return to that soul-crushing situation that you euphemistically call “a job.” Who the hell do you think you’re kidding anyway? Well, let’s see if we can ease your passage somewhat, though you’re still gonna’ end up crying yourself to sleep…just like you do every single night.
Item #1: So how about a three-fer from Cracked.com? No, I didn’t say three-way. You just have a very dirty mind. And if you don’t then you’ve obviously stumbled into the wrong thread. Cracked loves lists (and who doesn’t?) so here ya’ go:
A) A cautionary tale/list of: 5 bizarre sexual conditions that can ruin your life. Only 5? I suspect a few were left out but you’ll be more than happy to fill the rest of us in on those.
B) Or, you can get up to speed concerning 10 popular porn scenarios that seem highly implausible. Again, I think they’ve maybe gone a little overboard here. For the majority of us hanging around here, there’s really just one and only one implausible scenario that we need to be concerned with, and that’s simply getting’ any. Period. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.
C) And finally, as if we didn’t know already, we can find out about 6 ways that porn runs the world. Again, only 6? Must be a typo where they left out a few zeros after the 6.
Item #2: An article in L.A. Weekly helpfully informs us about the best peripheral EVAH! Presenting the USB Powered Chainsaw. As part of their press release, the manufacturer included a profile and image of their target demographic:
More nonsense below the fold…
Tonight’s ONT is sponsored by “The Many Faces of Arnold.”
(*Credit pending as soon as I can figure out where I saved the bookmark*)
Mr. Maetenloch hasn't submitted this weeks commenting numbers yet but will tack them on later if he sobers up enough to do so.
[Added by Maetenloch]
Ah don't worry - that naloxone works pretty damn quickly.
Here are this week's AoSHQ Weekly Commenter Stats. This is using a new and improved script that tries to combine your totals even if your hash changes, so you'll see a few new names this week.
Top Commenters
1 ATNorth [394 comments] [56.3 comments/day]
2 momma [376 comments]
3 muffy [344 comments]
4 wherestherum [334 comments]
5 kbdabear [315 comments]
6 toby928 [228 comments]
7 joan [197 comments]
8 Anti-Harkonnen Freedom Fighter [188 comments]
9 Jonathon E. [187 comments]
10 Miss'80sBaby [184 comments]
Top Sockpuppeteers
1 [91 names] 'kbdabear' [13.0 unique names/day]
2 [51 names] 'SomeSay the Strawmarian'
3 [46 names] 'toby928'
4 [32 names] 'jaleach'
5 [31 names] 'Blazer'
6 [24 names] 'billygoat'
7 [23 names] 'muffy'
8 [20 names] '12 Inch Middle Finger'
9 [20 names] 'andycanuck'
10 [18 names] 'Soap MacTavish'
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:15 PM
Access Comments